Write about how much you miss me when I'm not there!
No really, you have just landed your first recording contract.
What is the name of your first album? What are the names of the fifteen songs on this album?
Here's mine:
Album Title: Carrot Dip
Track 1: A Little Bit of Nothing
Track 2: Invisible Turtles
Track 3: I Love Margaret Chase Smith
Track 4: Get a Little Mud on the Dashboard
Track 5: That Don't Rhyme
Track 6: Power Button
Track 7: Bad Paintings and Lysol
Track 8: I Love English Class
Track 9: Adopt an Ugly Duckling
Track 10: Lemonade and Salsa
Track 11: 99 Street
Track 12: Not My Best Work
Track 13: Some Guy I Met in High School
Track 14: I Broke Farmville
Track 15: I Love Flannel